Thursday, May 27, 2010

relationships in a diagram

i remember studying them in school. while the venn diagram is used here as a simple device to reveal essential aspects of most intimate relationships, i try to think where i'd place mine in it. i keep going from one to the other. what if the two bubbles are completely overlapped? would it define a perfect relationship, metaphorically?


Anjana Gunawardena said...

Very interesting blog you have here. I just glanced through few posts and it shows the love you have for your family.

Keep on writing and I hope your family (specially your sister) will understand how you feel for them.

about the blogger... said...

hey..thank you for stopping by.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Nice post!

It is a clear representation with Venn diagrams. isnt it? :)

about the blogger... said...

@K..thank you.yep..have you figured out where to place yours ? :)