Monday, November 23, 2009

want Vs need

We are so inundated by all the materialistic things out there luring us to cave in , sometimes we miss the big picture. I happen live in a country where materialistic market place is so deluged more so than any other country, and we get judged constantly by the stuff we own, as a result.

I think young kids in general take a harder hit & the most vulnerable. Mine are no different. I'm sure having a mom who doesn't go by the cool formula where stuff = love = happiness, makes it even harder for them! Sure, I'd buy them stuff as they need, not necessarily want. You give in to their temporary rush of happiness only to witness the novelty wears off pretty quickly and to do it all over again? Isn't that how we ended up with a generation that is spoiled, bored & materialistic in the first place ???


Anonymous said...

You should move to SL and let them learn the humble way of life ----- I am so sick of materialism too in Pakistan!!!

about the blogger... said...

Sri Lanka may have sounded like a possible diversion 5 years ago, but from what I have witnessed this time around, may be not so much!!! Here's why, Intl schools seem to thrive on the teen materialism over there & take pride egging on the culture I despise here. Whatever happened to self esteem & sri lankan values??

Anonymous said...

Still how many people can afford that lifestyle? life is simple for those who can't. I haven't seen the pretentious superficiality that exists in vast quantities in some other countries. I really think you should move now cos your daughters are young once they are teenagers it will be difficult to bring about a change in them.